Ngày Môi trường thế giới năm 2014: Khen thưởng cho tập thể, cá nhân tại TP.Hồ Chí Minh

Thứ 4, 14/05/2014 - 08:16 GMT+7 Lượt xem: 69

On the occasion of organizing activities in response to World Environment Day 2014 held in Ho Chi Minh City, the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment decided to reward collectives and individuals in the city. 
 This is a practical activity to continue encouraging the movement to protect the environment and natural resources in Ho Chi Minh City in particular and the whole country in general.  

Accordingly, the collectives and individuals who request for consideration and commendation must achieve outstanding achievements in the management and protection of natural resources and the environment, and respond to climate change in Ho Chi Minh City. Minh from 2010 to the present. At the same time, achievements are expressed through one of the work items such as: Effective implementation of State management of natural resources and environment; communication, education, training and social activities to raise public awareness; research and application of new technologies; solutions to protect, properly use and develop natural resources and the environment, and respond to climate change; is an advanced and typical model of management, protection and development of natural resources, sustainable environment, and coping with climate change, which is highly appreciated by the community ...

It is expected that the Certificate of Merit will be held at the National Ceremony in response to the World Environment Day 2014.

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